Kinship CanadaBeta V0.2.8

Ramadhan CampaignHunger is not about a lack of food.It's a terrible injustice.

Donate today to help ensure that someone can keep one meal on the table. Donations will be sent on the 20th of Shabaan.

Where your donation goes

What's actually included?

Amounts shown per region will provide a months worth of basic rations, including oil, flour, rice, and sugar. You can donate either the suggested amount or a custom amount. All donations are tax receipt eligible.
Please donate to a maximum of three causes at a time.

Families Supported So Far


The recommended amount is $100, which will allow a family of 5 to have at least one meal per day for a month.

Make a donation in India


The recommended amount is $100, which will allow a family of 5 to have at least one meal per day for a month.

Make a donation in Africa


The recommended amount is $100, which will allow a family of 5 to have at least one meal per day for a month

Make a donation in Iraq

Community Center

A donation of $750 will allow a community center to provide meals for people to break their fasts during Ramadhan.

Make a donation in Community Center

© Kinship Canada is a registered charity. Registration Number 855070728 RR 0001